Morris Massel Morris Massel

Left Turn Accident: Vehicle Traffic Law section 1141

Car accidents, car crashes or pedestrian accidents can be devastating and as well as life-threatening. Apart from the pain and suffering you feel, the hospital bills and other medical bills quickly start to flood in.

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Morris Massel Morris Massel

Trip on a Box: Negligence or Not?

After the holiday season when we have eaten too much, maybe even drank too much and enjoyed that warm fuzzy feeling we might miss a stack boxes standing on a wooden pallet. Anything is possible after champagne and eggnog. But can we sue for tripping over the stack of boxes on the wooden pallet.

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Morris Massel Morris Massel

Slip & Fall: Rain and Get Your Story Straight

When looking for an interesting case to explore, I usually like cases that have lots of issues thrown together. The case Frieberg v City of NY 2021 NY Slip Op 02100 at first does not seem very dramatic- a slip and fall on an exterior step-yet exposes lots of issues. The decision explores physics, handrails and proximate cause. Proximate cause is connecting the fall to theories of negligence.

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